Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Thoughts on Awakening so far

Hey guys, long time since I've posted anything. Not really sure if I have any viewers but if you see this, this will be my thoughts so far on Fire Emblem Awakening. First of all, I'll say that the character customization is fantastic and is a brand new feature for FEs released in America. Your character is not nearly as broken as they were in FE12 (only released in Japan) but is still very good. The storyline is very in-depth and creative with many plot twists that will shock you. I'm right now working on the paralouges (side quests) that come right before chapter 14. I'm not going to spoil anything but I do have a few guesses on what's going to happen later. However, so far I think it is one of the easier FEs. With all of the skirmishes and paralouges, it does become pretty easy to grind and become a little over leveled, which I don't find that fun. There are also very many characters and unlike other FEs, there are really no charactera that are "bad" because all of the characters have pretty good growths, this means it all comes down to the RNG Goddess's verdict (did I mention the RNG Goddess is actually a playable character). All in all, so far I think that Fire Emblem Awakening is amazing and is actually one of my all-time favorite games already and I haven't even finished it yet!! Soooo guys, until my next post!!!!!

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